The last month or two before the test are the busiest, hottest and most exciting. You need to gather your thoughts and put the maximum amount of material into your head in the shortest possible time… Unlearned – learn. Unfinished – learn. Repeat what you’ve already learned. Spread everything in the head on shelves. And tune in for the victory. What do experts recommend and how effectively did applicants of previous years prepare for testing and examinations?

How to avoid unnecessary excitement and effectively prepare for testing and internal exams, said Associate Professor of General and Clinical Psychology Department of the Humanities Faculty of BSU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Catherine Bespanska-Pavlenko.

How to prepare effectively

  • It’s better to prepare in advance. Make a plan when, on what day you will teach, break the material or object into blocks, parts and teach gradually. When preparing, it is better to mark the questions that you know well, which you do not know very well, which you do not know at all. To have a picture of what you need to do. And what you do not know at all, you need to devote more time, etc.

Number 7 is the maximum number of objects that a person can remember in a single moment. That is, it’s better to divide some information when remembering into blocks, so that there are no more than seven of them, and build a logical chain between them.

Reading and memorizing the text individually. It is desirable to read the text immediately, then highlight the main thoughts in it, then divide the text into parts, make a plan of the text, highlight the logical relationship between these items and then read and retell. It’s better not to grind. The main thing – to understand the meaning of what you read.

It is desirable to prep for gre not from morning to night, and to take breaks. For example, every hour for ten minutes, three hours for an hour. It is desirable to do some physical exercises or go for a walk, breathe fresh air, eat well. Some people are more used to teaching in the morning, some in the evening… It is good to teach the material as usual, because it was at school. It’s also important to have a good night’s sleep. When too much information goes to the brain, it can hang like a computer.

How to avoid unnecessary excitement…

  • First, you need to understand that the anxiety before the exam is a quite natural state,” the Expert Advisor explains. – If a person is not anxious at all – it is not normal, because a small level of anxiety helps to mobilize the body.

Secondly, when a person tunes up for the exam, for testing, you need to learn to think about the positive, draw yourself a mental picture of a confident clear answer, behavior, that “I will succeed. It is desirable to lose the situation in detail in advance: to imagine how you enter the audience, how you sit down in advance, concentrate attention, begin to perform tasks of the test. Then the testing situation will not be so unexpected and will not cause so much anxiety.

Before the test itself, you can use such techniques of self-intimidation, relaxation. Give yourself positive suggestible commands that “I will be able to remember everything”, “I will be fine. You do not need to say to yourself “I am not afraid”, “I will not fail”… The consciousness does not perceive our “not” part and, on the contrary, it turns out that “I will fail” and “I am afraid”.

Also during the preparation it is possible to imagine in detail all variants of the situation development. Sometimes it is possible to tune in that “I will do everything, I will decide everything”, and then or incorrectly write, to make a mistake. And this can result in even greater stress. You need to imagine or write on paper all the options for the development of the event and what you will do in this or that situation. When our psyche sees different options, it is ready for it in advance.

Especially before the test, various sedatives are better not to drink. Because it is not known how the body will react in a state of stress, anxiety… On the contrary, the process of inhibition may go. Autogenic training, relaxation is better soothing: sat down, relaxed, presented a positive picture. For example, in trifles, presented how you were with friends somewhere at a picnic, etc. Breathing exercises are effective for relaxation: a deep breath on one-two-three and on four-five – an exhalation. If a person is physically relaxed, the brain receives information that you are in a normal calm state. Emotional tension is relieved by physical exercises: for example, running during a rest.

Advice to parents. How prep for gre should go

  • Parents should also prepare their child well in advance: advice on giving, not burdening the applicant. Of course, the parent acts as an expert, so he can calm down, tell how he once passed exams and coped with stressful situations. Excessive moralization wouldn’t do any good. Excessive control, too. The applicant is already in a stressful situation, he knows he has to study. And if parents keep reminding him of that, he’s just nervous, stressed out. If the parent sees that the child is preparing, it is better not to be intrusive.

As for the choice of profession (for those who are still undecided) … If parents will send an applicant to study where he does not want to, to which he does not have the ability, then sooner or later it will have a negative impact on the child. It is necessary to proceed from the abilities, and in this matter it is better to consult with a psychologist. And if it is not too late, to be tested with a psychologist on the questions of career guidance. There are special tests, diagnostic techniques that help to identify aptitudes for a particular profession.

Bitter chocolate and honey, and nuts instead of chips.

Marina Popova, a dietician at the Ecomedservice Medical Center, recommends eating properly during intensive work:

  • The basis of the diet should be proteins, fats and carbohydrates, with at least 30-40 percent of proteins, fats – about 20 percent and carbohydrates – 40 percent of the daily diet. It is important that the diet be regular, regardless of intensity and employment. There should be at least four meals a day. The diet should include vegetables, fruits and protein suppliers such as curd, milk, cheese and egg. There must also be meat, fish. Moreover, vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet at least 350-400 grams daily for high school students, because they stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve health and are suppliers of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Foods such as honey, bitter chocolate and other sweets such as marshmallows and marmalade can also be included in the diet. Because they contain pectin and are the absorbent of all unhealthy foods that can enter the human body. And honey and bitter chocolate are the main food source for the brain cells because they contain glucose (the only food source for the brain cells). In addition, honey is the only unique natural component that includes as many vitamins, minerals as possible, which are an excellent way to combat stress and fatigue.

It is better to limit products such as chips, carbonated drinks, energy stimulants. Green tea has been proven to have a more tonic effect than coffee. Allowed dose of caffeine contains from 40 to 70 mg per day, i.e. about 6 cups of real strongly brewed coffee. Naturally, it should not be used as an additional stimulant. Coffee, cocoa, tea can be consumed, but do not emphasize it. The same vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products – more qualitative suppliers of vital elements for normal work of the body.

During this period, food should be varied, glucose should be present in the body, but do not forget that the diet above all should be balanced. Chips and sodas should not serve as substitutes for fish and vegetables (if it is not possible to eat normally), but rather nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts). Also sources of food can be dried fruits – corn, figs, raisins … Ie those products that contain glucose, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Tips from the “shooters”

Students of previous years share their personal experience and give advice on effective test and examination preparation.

Olga, a 1st year student of the Academy of Management under the President:

  • Teaching was easier for me in the evening, but not at night. I used to come home, have lunch, have a little rest and go to additional classes at school or go to a tutor. For example, I would try to read a certain number of topics every day. I broke them all: for example, this week I have to go through so much, the next week I have to go through so much… The main thing is to eat well, because on an empty stomach nothing is thought of.

At the weekend I tried not to overload myself, I left the weekend to rest. Because at the beginning of the week you’ll be tired if you overwork hard on the weekend. You have to divide proportionally. For example, today’s Russian, tomorrow’s math, the day after tomorrow’s CHOG. Because if it’s the same thing in a row, it gets tired and the porridge starts in your head, and if you distribute it, it’s easier.

It helped me a lot: I got a notebook and wrote out the main points on Chogh. Then you flip through the notebook and everything is very well remembered. Because my motor memory is very well developed. In terms of language – you choose a theme, and on it you run all the tasks on the theme in different collections, that is. Then, when the topics are all passed, it is better to work through the tests from beginning to end. You have to stuff your hand on how to fit into the time allocated for the test. Trial tests also helped me to fill in the forms, not to make mistakes. The more tests I have to do, the better. And in time, you’ll be able to navigate…


In mathematics, I tried to work out a certain method to make it shorter to solve, not to paint the conditions too much, etc. I did it this way: if I solve a problem and it doesn’t work out, I drop it and continue to solve the test further. After I solved the test to the end, I went back to those tasks that I missed. I started to approach this task with new thoughts. In Russian, too, in order not to linger long (what a glitch it is), it is better to go on. Otherwise, you’re going to sit, and in the end you won’t have time to do it, and there will remain tasks that were actually done.

Before the Russian language, I was very worried and could not cope with it, I honestly say. Before the test itself, the best thing to think about is something distracted. If you go to the tests with friends, it’s better to talk about something else on the way, because you start to worry, if you start talking about the tests. “I don’t think I’m gonna write…” etc. Bad thoughts start to come up.

You have to get a really good night’s sleep. And especially before the test. Lie down before the test in case you just can’t sleep because of the excitement. Before one of the tests, I really didn’t get any sleep, got up in the morning with a headache. And another thing: whatever the nausea is, it’s better to eat. Because then it’s gonna hurt to think that you’re hungry, not that you have a test to decide.

Nikolai Shchetko, a graduate of BSUIR:

  • Of course, you have to prepare for tests and exams throughout the academic year, but the importance of systematization of knowledge and closing your own weaknesses in recent weeks before the tests can hardly be overestimated.

That is why it is necessary to approach the preparation with the utmost responsibility. The details may vary for each applicant, but based on my experience I would not recommend the following four points.

First: provide yourself with a quiet and comfortable space for training. Turn off your computer, mobile phone and regular phone if they are really needed for training – severely limit their distractions (mobile phone – silent, computer – silent).
…to get out of the way, and to turn off the mail.) It is better to work in a bright and well-ventilated room. It is also important to properly organize the space: it is convenient to arrange books, notebooks and other materials.

Second: develop for yourself an effective daily routine. Separate the time when you feel that your head is best “boiled” – I, for example, prepared for the exact sciences (physics, mathematics) and most effectively worked for me until lunch. From morning to lunch, I decided…
in the afternoon, repeated the theory. Someone’s “mind” is better boiled in the evening – then it makes sense to sleep longer in the morning. 🙂 It is very important not only to develop, but also to observe the regime of the day: get up, bed, lunch and breakfast dinner. At least with an hour and a half accuracy – believe me, your body and your brain will appreciate this and make you happy! Do not overdo it, try to take a five-minute break at least once per hour. If your brain is stuck, you can…
the main thing is not to overdo it anymore.) Be sure to allocate time for rest: for example, for evening walks.

Third: be consistent, plan your time, every day until the test! It is one thing to “read physics” and quite another to “solve the problems on pages 33-35, repeat chapter 7 in the textbook and add a short synopsis to the cheat sheet. Having planned the task correctly, you will be able to control yourself very effectively and, if you are behind schedule, “push”, or, conversely, allocate a little more time for rest if the schedule is ahead of schedule.

Fourthly, gather all the necessary and useful literature in advance, so that in the middle of the preparation process, you do not have to run to the bookstore (to friends) or go online. It is useful at a time when the brain is already turned off, to write neat cheat sheets or mini-help books (in compact notebooks). How to pass the cogat test. Take them or not to take them to the test – it’s up to you, but the visual memory in the process of writing you “rock”, and in the preparation of a well-written “cheat sheet” will help.