Food and water.
You can drink water before the class, but it is better not to eat for 2-3 hours.

The clothing must be breathable and free from constraints. It can be loose pants and a T-shirt, a jumpsuit over the body, or a classic fitness set: leggings and a sports top. The main thing is to be comfortable. Yoga is done barefoot, but if you get cold, take socks.

Bring your own.
If you have a yoga mat, bring it. If you don’t, that’s okay: every studio offers a shared one. Sometimes this service is paid – renting a yoga mat can cost about 100 rubles. For the shower, it is worth taking a towel (you can also usually rent one, sometimes for a fee).

Features of yoga
Regularity .
It is better to start with two times a week. Such a regimen is suitable for everyone, regardless of limitations. The break between workouts must be the same so that the body could recover, but did not have time to lose the habit, for example, Monday/Friday, Tuesday/Tuesday or Tuesday/Saturday. You can work out in this mode for years, or switch to more regular workouts over time.

The Process
After the introductory class it’s worth taking a beginners course – there you learn the basic exercises, breathing, tuning, theory and practice, and technique, which will help to avoid injuries during independent practice. Usually this course takes 4-6 sessions over two weeks – during this time the motivation is formed, the fears and uncertainties of a beginner are removed.

The discipline
Yoga is not a workout, but a practice. A course for beginners helps remove barriers to unfamiliar practice, but only repetition will lead to results. At this point, you can buy a subscription – often people don’t skip practice so that their classes don’t “burn out.” This is self-deception, but effective – during this time you can form a habit and choose the group and instructor with whom you feel most comfortable.

In yoga there is no beginning and end, only courses are limited in time – so you can join any group at any time (but it is necessary to warn the instructor that you are a beginner). You can attend seminars and thematic classes (on breathing, cleansing, stretching, relaxation and meditation techniques) after the first class, but the intensive classes (practices with increased load) – only after a year of regular classes.